Thursday, December 1, 2011

Assignment 8!

1. The "Second Shift" describes the change that women have now entered the workforce, but there hasn't been much change at home since women still do the majority of housework and raising the children.
2. The story of Nancy and Evan show a dual working household. Not only do they work full time, but they share the household responsibilities. However, they argue about who does more of the housework. Nancy feels that she contributes to the majority of the housework while Evan disagrees.
3. Nancy and Evan chose to have the "upstairs-downstairs" myth (BAD IDEA! personally). This would allow Nancy to do the work upstairs, such as cooking, laundry, etc., while Evan would take care of the garage and outdoors. With the couple already arguing, I think this could only complicate things.
4.The family myths purpose is to blind what is really happening. It seems to divide household work between two parties, but one person gets more of the work. It just seems to temporarily alleviate problems.
5. This wasn't that shocking because Nancy and Evan's story seems to happen quite a bit, especially in my family. I see the women do more of the work while working and doing everything else. If I am with a partner, I would hope that everything is divided evenly. As far as childcare goes, that would have to depend on what our careers are. If one of has a more demanding career than the other, they should try and do as much as they can but the other parent should do more. Thinking realistically in todays society, everyone needs to work so we would just have to work it out.

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