Monday, November 14, 2011

Assignment 6

1. In ancient Rome, married sons and daughters would live under the control of the father until his death. (CRAZY!!!) In a "one man, one woman" idea this wouldn't have happened. In this relationship the household was controlled by the spouses, not their father. 
2.The 2 groups that are postponing marriage are the poor and middle class couples. The reason poor couples are delaying marriage is because it is a financial responsibility to be married and they are unable to afford that. For middle class couples, they see the benefit of cohabiting and they may be receiving higher degrees so marriage may be a second choice.

Sex and the City Clip
The wedding traditions were: not seeing the bride in the dress before the wedding, breaking the glass when they are officially married, having bridesmaids and groomsmen, wearing the veil until the man must kiss the woman.

One tradition that I never knew about was why there were bridesmaids and groomsmen. It was interesting to find out what exactly each was for. Groomsmen were the best friends of the groom. If a groom couldn't find a wife they would basically help the groom steal a wife from a surrounding village (pretty sure this is illegal today, just saying). Another reason the groomsmen were around was so that they could escort the bride to the altar. Bridesmaids had 2 main purposes in the past. One was to confuse evil spirits from the bride. The other reason was to be witnesses to the wedding. Today it seems like we don't really acknowledge these traditions, but we still have them for to keep the "traditional" wedding alive. No matter what, my wedding will never be traditional. I will not bother following this rule. Maybe I would tweak it by have a best person instead of a best man. :)